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her climax for all to see, and at that moment she had no
cares over where or how the magic of the moment
On the monitors she finally noticed the crowd outside
had erupted in jubilation. Vaguely she realized that just as
she could see them they too could see what was happening
to her. Julius came inside of her and she knew what he had
said about creating life was true, the union had produced a
child, and she marveled at the knowledge. Laurel had no
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idea how it was possible to know so soon, but somehow the
magic of the chanting and the bond gave her an
extrasensory perception she had never dreamed possible.
Finding herself quickly freed, Julius then handed her a
robe and helped her down from the altar. He looked deeply
into her eyes and she felt his devotion and joy wash over
her in warm, loving waves. Laurel loved him more deeply
than she had ever thought possible, she knew soul deep he
truly had been meant for her, just as she had been meant for
him, and she was humbled by her good fortune. He did not
speak but she heard him in her mind distinctly.
Thank you my darling, you made me proud today.
Women who have held your title in past generations trained
for years for the moment I thrust upon you with no
warning, and you handled yourself with more grace and
dignity than many of your predecessors. I am so proud to
be your bondmate. You are everything I could have ever
dreamed of for my mate. You have given me two gifts this
Thank you for my heir Laurel, I could not wish for a
better woman to be my partner and the mother of my heir!
Never again will you have to endure a public mating, do
not fear this is a regular part of your duties. I will never
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bind you again during a mating unless you request I do so.
I am now your humble servant and I will live each day for
your pleasure! I am going to enjoy teaching you all of the
many ways that my people give and receive pleasure and I
am sure that you will be an excellent student!
His smile was now more natural, relief evident in his
thoughts and posture. Her senses were attuning to his so
well that his relief seemed to fill her and become her own.
Evanston stood, still captive, looking angry and bitter.
Remorse filled her for his pain and Julius must have felt her
need to make things right with her friend because he
motioned for the priestess to join them as he spoke.
"This man has lost what is valuable to him and as it has
been returned to us we must give him something of equal
value to replace it. Priestess, can you use the ancient magic
to give him a replica of Laurel to take home?"
Julius felt Laurel's worry for her people. He saw
through her thoughts that with no heir her kingdom would
most certainly be thrown into turmoil upon her father's
death. Even if the king took a new bondmate and a child
resulted, the offspring would surely be too young to rule
when her father died and there would be a long, bloody
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conflict over the kingdom anyway. Her marriage to
Evanston would have insured the bloodline, no matter how
much of a sham it was, and would have continued the
happy prosperity of the people.
The Priestess bowed deeply to Julius and Laurel.
"Warrior King, it is my duty to serve you but my pleasure
to assist you in this request. I see the wisdom in what you
ask and will see it done."
Evanston looked as confused as Laurel felt, and
realizing their confusion Julius explained his request. "We
have an ancient rite, a way to give one of our maidens your
face and only Lord Evanston will see her true face when he
looks upon her. She will see it in the mirror but others will
see and hear only you, Laurel. He will not lose face and
your father's secret will be protected. My priestess can call
upon all the young maids of our land to find a true
bondmate for your friend. It will be as it should and balance
will thus be restored."
Laurel gripped Evanston's arm, her eyes pleading for
understanding. "Julius is my true bondmate, I cannot deny
him. Please understand. How did you follow us so quickly
and how are you able to comprehend this language?"
"I took one of our slower vessels to a trading colony on
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the nearest moon and bought passage on a cargo ship. For
the price I paid they willingly followed Julius's vessel as
closely as they could without alerting his crew, and while I
was there the captain gave me the device so I could
understand the many languages his crew spoke. I had to go
into an unnatural sleep and I feared they would kill me, but
the captain was trustworthy and has earned the bonus I
promised him when I return home. I do not like this idea of
a replica of you, the people know and respect you, and their
magic seems unnatural and wrong. Will it hold to the girl
always or will it wear away over time?"
Answering him, the priestess seemed slightly offended
that he doubted her abilities. "What I will do will hold even
in death. In time you will no longer doubt my spiritual
Evanston nodded and Julius looked at him gravely. "If I
release you from your shackles do you promise to accept
that Laurel is mine and that the bond is fully established
between us?"
Evanston still looked angry, but when he spoke Laurel
could hear the resignation in his voice. "I saw her accept
you with my own eyes. Your people are barbaric, and if she
is willing to be bound to you and your ways for all time
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there is nothing I can do to change it. I love Laurel, but I
am also her friend and do not wish to have her hurting in
any way. As you are now a part of her this prevents me
from harming you. I will stay and see if your priestess can
truly do as she claims. Laurel, your father lied to the people
but they are happy and the kingdom is richer for what he
has done. I hope this will be our last lie. If the truth was to
become public knowledge no one would benefit and many
would suffer. I believe in what your father has done for his
people Lauren and I will rule though this replica of you to
carry on his legacy. Do not fear for the people as they will
be in loving hands. Our two kingdoms will unite and our
future will be good."
Laurel wept joyously and hugged her friend. She chose
to ignore the waves of jealousy she felt radiate from Julius
and in a watery voice she asked, "Lord Evanston, will you
deliver a letter to my father?"
"Yes Laurel I will, if you promise me something. If you
need me or your father, or if you want escape from this
place, you will come home and damn the consequences of
"I give you my word. I do not think it will ever come to
pass while Julius breathes, but if I am in need I will not
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forget my way back home." Laurel felt how unhappy her
use of the term 'home' had made Julius so she took his hand
and squeezed it to reassure him.
The priestess, Evanston, Laurel, and Julius left the
assembly hall together. As Laurel and her bondmate
walked among the people she felt odd knowing what they
had witnessed, but the obvious jubilation of the crowd let
her know she had indeed made the right decision when she
followed her instinct to give in to Julius and her destiny. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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