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me what to do. I m not the one with a walking nightmare of a wife hanging onto my
Addie decided not to wait, but slip away while they were arguing. At least she was
going to Lincoln tomorrow and wouldn t have to see either of them until Monday. No,
later than that, it would be the following Monday because the training event she was
not going to attend was next week, and the following week would be her last. She
slipped on her coat and fastened the buttons.
 Addie, a word, Will shouted as she crept out.
Bloody hell, Addie thought. He must be able to see through walls. Ed stormed past
her in the other direction, grim-faced. He slammed the door so hard Delia s fish started
to zoom in rapid circles round their tank.
When Addie poked her head into Will s office, he was pacing around like a pissed-
off tiger, but when he turned and saw her, he froze.
 Are you really going sailing in New Zealand?
He took two steps toward her.  Because it s the other side of the world, it s
dangerous and I don t want you to go.
Addie s heart swelled like a sponge. Her willpower had turned tail and bolted the
moment she walked into his office. Will pushed the door closed behind her.
 I m sorry, I m so sorry. I keep fucking this up, he whispered.
He reached out to touch her cheek with his fingers.
 Don t. Addie turned away. She couldn t keep doing this. It hurt too much.
 You don t mean that. You feel the same way as me, I know you do.
Will pushed aside the collar of her coat and ran his thumb inside the neck of her
shirt. Heat flooded her body. You re married, she wanted to scream, but the words
wouldn t come out of her mouth. His fingers unfastened her coat.
 I can t bear not to touch you. I ve spent every moment since I last touched you,
thinking about touching you again.
He flicked off the light switch behind her head and dragged her further into the
room. The coat fell from her shoulders as he pulled her into his arms.  I m sorry I had to
leave you on Saturday. I called. I drove back to the Marriott on Sunday morning, and
you d gone. I made them refund your credit card for the meal.
She could have kissed him for that alone. His hands dropped to her waist, his
fingers slipping over her bare skin. Will touched the metal at her navel.
 I wanted to kill Ed, he whispered.
He lifted her arm, kissed her wrist, then her neck, her mouth.
He wanted her. She wanted him. Yet Addie kept wondering what he d do if the
phone rang again and Vee said she needed him. Then the feeling of his mouth on her
neck filled her head, and for a moment she stopped thinking.
 Don t go to New Zealand.
Perversely she wanted to tell him she was going to New Zealand, but his lips found
hers and she couldn t speak. His tongue surged into her mouth. He kissed her so
deeply, the words slipped away around her. She knew she ought to walk away, that the
chances were he d let her down again. She couldn t. She wouldn t.
Will rested his head against hers, whispered in her ear.  I want to kiss you all the
time. I want to kiss you when you re careering round the office banging into
everything. I want to kiss you when you re bullying the photocopier. I wanted to kiss
you when you knocked over the Christmas tree.
 I thought you were angry.
 Only with myself. I knew it wasn t your fault. None of this is your fault. We have a
chance for something here, Addie. I don t want to let you go.
He was the first man, the only man, to want her. She knew this was too quick, that
there were still questions unanswered but she couldn t think straight. Even as she told
herself not to, she reached for the knot in his tie and undid it. Her fingers unfastened
the buttons on his shirt, pulling the ends out of his trousers. Addie felt compelled to
touch him. She put her hands on him and ran her palms over his chest to his stomach.
His skin rippled under her fingers.
Will pressed his forehead against hers. His fingers fumbled with the buttons on her
blouse as he backed her against the wall. Their lips fused and Addie could feel him
hard against her as he rolled his hips into hers. She gasped as his mouth moved down
her neck. His hands slid over her breasts, tugging them out of her bra. Will groaned as
she struggled with the button and then the zip on his fly and finally spread open the
edges of his trousers.
 God, Addie, you re driving me wild.
Taking her hand, he pulled her to his desk, turning her so she was pressed against
the wood. His hands slid up her thighs, pushed her skirt to her waist, then lifted her so
she perched on the edge of the desk. Will reached and shoved everything onto the floor
before he lowered Addie back.
They both blinked hard when the light went on. Ed switched it off again.
 Did you want something? Will tried to shield Addie s half-naked body.
 I ve left my car keys on the desk.
 I ll bring them out.
 Right. The door closed.
 Did he know what we were doing? Addie whispered.
 If he didn t, all those sex ed. lessons at school were wasted.
Will pulled away from her. He groaned when Addie sat up and pulled her bra and
blouse back into place. He looked around for Ed s keys and found them on the floor.
 Don t move.
He zipped up his trousers and went out of the office.
 Don t forget you re supposed to be doing something tonight, Addie heard Ed say.
 A removal job.
Addie wondered what Ed meant. Moving furniture? When Will came back in, she
had her blouse fastened and was pulling on her coat. He sighed and finished putting
the buttons in their holes.
 This is not the right place, he said.
Maybe not the right time, Addie thought.
Will took her hand, lifted it to his mouth and kissed her fingers.  Can we fly your
kite in Lincoln tomorrow?
Chapter Twenty-Two
When Addie got home, Lisa was out. The telephone beeped to say there was a
message and as she picked it up, it rang.
 Hi, Trouble, this is your favorite brother speaking. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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