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boss s place. Sam had been there before, but Tony had never set foot inside the fancy condo.
The boss had always been an anal bastard, but his place was freakily clean. His clothes were
lined up like a store s display. The air was odorless. There wasn t a fleck of dust, a water spot,
or a stray hair. It could have been a robot s storage unit.
It took only minutes for Sam to install a keystroke tracker. Forty-eight hours, and then
they d retrieve the data.
They weren t greedy. Tony figured they d hit the boss s account for two million. One
million for him and Patsy, and another for Sam. Along with the rest of the money, which Tony
had skimmed over the past three years, they d be fine.
Chapter Eighteen
Retrieving a condom from the nightstand, Zach sheathed himself with Ciara impeding his
efforts more than helping. Then hooking her leg over his hip, he positioned himself at her
entrance. She gasped with a thrilled shudder as he pushed in, the satin head of his erection
slowly penetrating her tender folds. She clamped down on him instinctively. Zach stilled,
giving her time to soften, to accept his intimate invasion. He pulsed and she eased stretching,
surrounding, and possessing. Loving him.
This time the pace of lovemaking was leisurely. The tempo was a slow steady drumbeat
from far away, searing Ciara s body, seducing her soul, and stealing her heart. It was enough for
now that he wanted her. She loved the feel of him, of being joined as he stroked her with heated
caresses. Her inner muscles rippled, caressing him, and all the while, their intimate connection
grew stronger under his touch.
Nothing could ve stopped the feeling growing inside her from blooming. She couldn t
even slow it down. Love flooded all her empty places, bringing light and joy making her
stronger, braver, and surer of herself than she d ever been.
Slowly the tempo increased, becoming more demanding and more urgent until she
slipped over the peak into a cascade of glorious surrender.
She d never be a warrior princess. But she d been chosen by a warrior, and that might be
even better.
Zach s hunger was the drumbeat deafening her to anything else, riveting her soul with
demands for more. For everything. Ciara s defenses shattered, she cried his name as another
climax stole her breath and left her deliciously spent. He tucked her back against him. He had to
be as exhausted as she was, yet he was still protecting her. She snuggled into the warmth of him,
surrounded by strong arms and love. He hadn t said the words, but that wasn t important. He
must ve felt the magic that she felt. He had called her sweetheart. He had touched her soul. He
must love her.
* * * *
The following day, Zach knew he was in big trouble. He d turned out to be a total softy
for a woman s tears, something he hadn t known about himself until last night. Maybe it was
just Ciara s tears. Even if that were true, Ciara having power over him didn t improve the
situation. It made it worse.
Zach figured he d made a mistake. Right along the lines of adopting a baby Bengal tiger.
Cute, cuddly and purrs like a tabby, but they get big and hungry in a hurry. Then he d be kitty
food. He d better smarten up and remember the female was always the more deadly of the
species. A lot like reporters. He d just never met a baby one before. Hadn t recognized the
danger. Sure, she was cute and cuddly now, but what about when she had a byline?
He wasn t a kid. He d been bitten before, and he knew better. The scars from his last
encounter with the press weren t visible, but they were as real as any of his exterior wounds.
Ciara had already followed a cop to him. He figured it had to be one of the vice cops.
He d have to tell Connelly about it. He wasn t sure how he was going to word the report since
he didn t have a name to go with the description.
More detail would be good, but getting them from Ciara would be tricky. She caught on
fast. He didn t want to give her any ideas she didn t already have. What a mess.
When he d seen her getting shoved around by some lowlife punk, he d been stuck. No
way could he have walked away. The assault was his fault. He d set her up for it when he d
taken her into a private room at the club. He hadn t known they were being filmed for sure. But
he knew it was a possibility and he d known the club was under investigation. He d been on the
job. He clenched his fists and blew out a breath of frustration.
The incident with the lowlife confirmed the video of Ciara was up and running. The idea [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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