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Ariel looked over at him and her inviting mouth quirked up on one
side."Exactly. In fact, the last man I 'fell into bed with' was James."
Loganstared and then noticed Ariel watching him. "But, that means, you
haven't& for two hundred years?" he asked incredulously.
He hid a smile as he watched Ariel's chin thrust into a stubborn tilt.
"It's the age of technology, you know. Women are perfectly capable of getting
along without a man."
"Whoa."Logan held up his hands in a defensive gesture. "I didn't mean to
insult you. You're the most beautiful woman I've ever seen and you can
actually hold a man's interest for more than a few hours and& "Logan trailed
off as he realiz ed what he said. "I mean "
Ariel narrowed her eyes and glared at him. "And you figured I wouldn't be
independent enough to keep my legs together if some handsome man came along to
charm me out of my panties?" she asked archly.
"No, not exactly like that."Loganscrambled to get his thoughts in line. When
had this conversation taken such a dangerous turn?
"Then how, exactly?"Ariel asked from behind a tight smile.
Loganknew she was needling him and breathed a silent sigh of relief that she
wasn't really angry. But he tried to put what he was thinking into words
anyway. "You know how when you meet someone for the first time, you set them
at a certain attractiveness level?"
Ariel tightened Scout's reins around her hand. "I suppose."
"Well, as you get to know that person, their attractiveness factor will go up
or down, depending on their personality. You know, someone only marginally
attractive will become more attractive if they have a great personality and a
sense of humor, whereas someone drop-dead gorgeous will become less attractive
if they are self-centered and petty."
Ariel seemed to be thinking about what he said. Then she threw back her head
and laughed. "You know, I've never thought about it quite that way, but you're
right." She tucked her hair behind her ear and out of her face. "So, I guess
you paid me a backhanded compliment by saying I can hold someone's interest
for more than a few hours?"
Logansmiled at her. "It was definitely meant as a compliment."
Ariel looked down at her saddle. "I'm sorry,Logan . I didn't mean to be so
quick to think the worst of you. You'd think a few hundred years would dull
some of the aftermath of what happened with James and me. But I guess if you
don't deal with something, it can stay with you."
Logannoticed the look of pain flash across Ariel's face and a knife turned in
his gut. He wished he could break his promise to James and tell her everything
as it really happened.Anything to remove the anguish in her eyes.
"I'm sorry you were hurt,"Logan said and sidled Ransom closer to Scout. He
reached out, took Ariel's left hand in his right, and brought it to his lips.
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"I have no control over the past. All I can do ismake sureI never hurt you."
Logancaught his breath at the raw vulnerability in her eyes. He'd make damn
sure never to put that look there because of something he did.
He stopped short as he realized it was the first time he ever wanted to
protect anyone other than himself in a relationship. He wasn't sure if he
should be happy about that or terrified. But with Ariel filling up his senses,
happy won out.
The horses had slowed to a stop andLogan used pressure from his thighs to
move Ransom closer to Scout. Taking off his hat, he leaned toward Ariel. After
a moment of hesitation, she leaned toward him as well.
Logan's pulse quickened like thundering hoof beats inside his head. The
anticipation of drowning in her kiss thrummed through his body. His lips were
close enough to hers that her breath feathered against his skin and he inhaled
her soft vanilla scent.
All he had to do was lean in and he could lose himself inside her luscious
mouth. He reached up with his free hand, cupped her cheek and leaned in to
close the last wisp of distance between them.
A shrill shout reached his ears and Ariel jumped back like she'd been bitten.
A ball of lead settled in his stomach. He recognized that voice. And he'd
just promised Ariel he'd never hurt her. But if all she wanted from him was
sex, maybe she wouldn't care. In a backward way, he hoped she cared very much.
He turned his head to look over at Ariel. She was looking at him, the
question clearly in her eyes. He opened his mouth to explain, but wasn't sure
what he could say that wouldn't make him sound exactly like what he was. Or at
least what he was before he met Ariel.
Impeccable timing as usual, McAllister.
"Logan." The shout sounded again and ice churned through his
veins.CharityTaylor . Damn, damn, damn.
Ariel saw guilt fillLogan 's eyes and her heart sank. He'd been seducing her
and she'd fallen for it. Even after all her bravado about just wanting sex,
she'd been softening toward him and had almost told him so.
You were always a sucker for pretty words.
The happy shout sounded again, and Ariel turned to study the woman jogging
toward them. She was tall, probably a few inches more than Ariel, even without
the extra height the heels of thedesigner cowboy boots added. Her blonde hair
tumbled around her to end near her waist. Large luminous green eyes sparkled
with happiness on a flawless co-ed face.
She had the figure of a supermodel, encased in form fitting designer jeans
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and a clingy silk top, which matched her eyes.A perfect candidate for men to
use as arm candy.
For the first time in her life, Ariel wondered what it would be like to be so
thin. She never doubted her own attractiveness before, and she didn't like how
it felt now.
She recognized Charity Taylor from television and several country music
magazines. An up-and-coming star who was up for the Horizon award at this
year's CMA's for best new country artist. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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