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You ll make a fine doctor one day, he assured her, rubbing her back with one hand.
To his deep and utter horror, she burst into tears, heart-rending sobs wracking her
five foot, three inch frame. Terry Lee felt like a deer in headlights, not sure which
direction to run. But standing still was not an option, so he pulled his kerchief from his
back pocket, easing them both to the floor to rest his back against a sturdy beam,
mopping her face as he situated her onto his lap.
After a time, the hysterical sobs lessened and he began to make out words, Don t
want to be a doctor, she choked. I tried, really tried. Her distress ripped at his soul as
she tearfully pleaded her case with him. I could do it& I just want to be a marine
biologist. But I ll break their hearts! It would be awful. I have to be a doctor or I ll
devastate them&
Rocking and soothing and rubbing and cooing, he finally calmed her enough to
get a few words in. Honey, there is no shame in being a marine biologist. There s no
parent alive who d be ashamed to have a marine biologist for a daughter. You have to
talk to them about this&
No! she yelped. No, she went on in a slightly calmer voice. You don t
understand. Since I was a baby, they planned for me to be a doctor. Little baby scrubs and
toy stethoscopes, summer internships to experience different specialties& they paid for
my medical school tuition as a gift for graduating middle school.
I know what you mean, Darlin , I really do, he squeezed her, hoping he was
reassuring her somewhat. My family is all construction one way or another. Between me
and my cousins and our daddies, we re either building something or knocking it down. I
remember standing beside my granddaddy and hammering nails into boards before I
could really even walk. I guess it s just that I want to do this. I like what I do for a livin .
She snuggled against him with a heavy sigh. Maybe if I get a double
Oh, god, Sugar, he shifted, amazed at her willingness to attend ten more years
of school just to appease her parents, and not at all surprised at the affect her rounded
derriere was having on his lap.
Oh! she jerked, turning on his lap and exacerbating the problem. Oh, I m
sorry, I m--um& Obviously, the hard ridge of his erection had made itself known to her.
Her blush was precious, and her squirming movements were driving him out of
his mind. He couldn t solve the doctor versus marine biologist problem right then, but
there were other things that needed addressing.
Its okay, Honey, he grinned. It may be hard, but it s not gonna break off. She
blushed crimson and he chuckled. I apologize, that was a little crude, I know.
Sida giggled at him nervously. That was a lot crude.
He leaned back against the unfinished beam and situated her more comfortably.
Still stroking her hair, he took a chance.
I like you. I ve liked you since before I took this job, Terry Lee confessed,
staring directly into her face.
You do? Really? How? She must ve understood his confusion because she went
on. I mean, I saw you there, at the bar& Cheers. I ve seen you there with some other
guys before.
My cousins, he supplied. Crusher--his real name is Shane, he s the demolitions
man, and Liam is like me, a builder. We hang out over there sometimes.
And you noticed me? She sounded surprised, and delighted.
Cyndi Redding, Isabelle Drake, J.J. Massa
Of course I noticed you, Sugar. He leaned down and kissed her nose. You re
very noticeable. He took a deep breath. Time to take the plunge. You move me,
Honey& what can I say?
Wow& Sida whispered reverently. Wow& I don t know what to say. I
mean& she reached up, stroking the plane of one bronzed cheek. I never even thought
you d noticed me. I figured I was too much an egghead for someone like you.
Terry Lee arched a glittering brow. Someone like me? His eyes were
unreadable and she hoped he didn t have the wrong impression.
Yeah, she felt her face flame once again and ducked her head, hiding behind the
curtain of her ebony hair. Someone so strong and sure of himself, so at ease in your own
skin. She looked up, letting her hair fall back. I m not afraid to try new things or
anything. It s just that I always feel like I need to be doing more. You know? Would he
understand what she meant? She didn t even know for sure.
Sugar, everyone has moments of uncertainty. Like how I thought you didn t like
what I ve done here, he explained, inclining his head vaguely toward the half-finished
But you knew it wasn t because of you! she was alarmed. Had he really thought
she disapproved of his handiwork?
Terry Lee leaned down, resting his forehead against hers. I wasn t completely
sure, he admitted. I want to be in your life. I want you to be in mine. You think you can
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