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Scott turned to face Derek, wearing a face of pure
innocence. "Of course, Derek. What else could I have been
considering besides that?"
Derek gave Scott a shove and Scott flashed a shameless
grin and winked at him, causing his dick to lengthen even
more inside his pants. He became quiet for a moment as he
tried to modify his walking to readjust himself without
seeming obvious about it.
Scott didn't miss a beat. The sudden lull in their
conversation caused him to look at Derek and, once he looked
down and saw the sizable bulge that was prominently staring
back at him, his own cock began to stir. Scott looked around
to see that they were alone, then boldly reached into his
pants to readjust himself while staring at Derek. "You were
saying something about your focus being on wrestling?"
Derek froze, his gaze locked on Scott's crotch. When he
looked up he could only summon one word. "Bastard!"
Scott laughed out loud and they continued their walk to
the athletic building in silence. Derek flashed a series of
images in his mind. Dead cats. Sunday Mass. Beck naked.
Wrestling With Desire
by D.H. Starr
Slowly, the tension that had built up in his pants subsided.
Just as they were arriving at the locker room, he noticed
Scott furtively grab at the front of his pants, this time trying
to be a bit more subtle. The image sent all of the blood
rushing back to his groin and he had to start the process of
settling himself down all over again.
It wasn't until they had both regained some semblance of
control that they headed up to the wrestling room which was
located on the second floor. The weight room was next to it
so they decided to stop in to see who from the team was
working out before heading to the wrestling room. Josh,
Power, and Frank were spotting each other on the bench
press. Derek was relieved to see that Sean and Phil weren't
there. "Hey guys. What's up?"
"Thompson!" Power called out. "You decide to beef up this
year? You never come to the weight room. Maybe you can
challenge Frank here at his weight class." He then turned his
attention to Frank who was struggling with his reps. "C'mon
you fuckin' pussy. That's only your second set and you're
already straining."
Josh walked over to Derek and put a hand on his shoulder.
"Hey, could I talk with you for a minute?" Derek allowed
himself to be led to the corner of the weight room. Once there
Josh continued. "Listen, I was talking to Coach the other day
and it seems like we are going to be having a lot of
challenges for spots this year. You are being challenged by
Bobby Dean. Paul is planning on challenging me. Fuckin' idiot!
No one's challenging Power. No surprise there. But the spot
that has all of us guessing is the 167 weight class. Sean and
Wrestling With Desire
by D.H. Starr
Phil are sweating bullets about Scott, especially since they've
seen him on the weight machines and he can bench more
than both of them. I was wondering if you could put together
a challenge schedule for us. I'm working out our warm-up
routines and scoping out the other schools to see when their
meets are scheduled so we can do some reconnaissance
during the season."
It surprised Derek to be asked to put together the
challenge schedule, but the benefits of the task did not
escape him. He would be able to orchestrate challenges to
give Scott a slight advantage. The thought only caused a
small twinge of guilt, one that he was easily able to dismiss.
"Sure, I'd be happy to. When are we going to begin
"Well, the season begins in a couple of weeks officially.
The wrestling room is ready for us to begin whenever." Josh
folded his arms across his chest and bit the inside of his
cheek, clearly deep in thought about when to begin
challenges. Seriously Josh, they're just challenges, not final
exams. "I was thinking we could start practices with the core
team and any challengers on Monday next week. How about
you schedule the matches for Thursday and Friday next
week? That way we will have our varsity line up settled for
the first official day of practice."
"Not a problem. I'll have a challenge schedule set up by
the end of the week." Derek walked over to Scott who was
watching Frank struggle with the weights. Frank's face was
beet red and his teeth were clenched so tightly that air
Wrestling With Desire
by D.H. Starr
actually whistled through them as he labored for breath. He
nudged Scott with his shoulder. "You ready?"
Scott nodded and the two headed into the wrestling room.
Once there Scott sat on the mat and began stretching. "So
what was that all about with Josh?" His voice sounded
nonchalant, but he stared intently at Derek when he asked [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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