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least an enemy I can trust. You'll heal, Adrian. I wish I could tell you it wouldn't hurt, but I promised I'd
make it hurt."
Adrian's anger stirred magic deep inside him, magic that could wipe Septimus and every tree and rock
from this mountainside.
"Don't do that," Septimus said quickly. "Amber will suffer if you use any magic or fight us, I guarantee
it. Besides, I think you truly wish to see your brother again."
Adrian allowed his magic to fade, but his anger remained strong. "Take me to him, then."
Septimus gave a signal. From out of the woods behind him came a score of demons, men in black
leather that could make the most hardened motorcycle gang break apart and flee. The demons had no
fear of sunlight, so they easily surrounded Adrian and dragged him under deep shadows where
Septimus's vampires waited.
The overhead canopy was so thick that barely any sunlight leaked through. Demons and vampires
rarely mingled, but this morning they laughed in common cause as they proceeded to beat Adrian
senseless, using clubs and knives and fists. A demon thrust a thick sword through Adrian's back, and
bright blood poured out his mouth.
Once they had him subdued, the vampires carried Adrian to a Hummer-like vehicle whose windows
had been replaced with metal sheets. One of the demons took the wheel while the vampires and demons
hoisted Adrian into the back, which was devoid of seats, and piled in after him. They beat him and
stabbed him again as the driver put the truck into gear, just in case his rap-idly healing body could regain
strength. Then they laid him down flat, pinning his arms and legs with thick chains.
Through a haze of pain, Adrian watched Septimus take off his coat and fastidiously lay it aside. The
man wore black leather gloves, beautifully supple as they raked through Adrian's hair. Septimus gently
tilted Adrian's head to one side, exposing his neck, and traced his jugular with a leather-clad fingertip.
Septimus leaned down and licked Adrian's neck. Then Adrian felt the sharp bite of his fangs,
penetrating deep. Septimus began suckling, slowly at first, then with true vampire thirst as though he'd
starved himself to better enjoy this pleasure. His lips were hot, his tongue sliding on Adrian's throat like a
Adrian by this time was too weak to fight him, or evento scream.
"A dragon wid a cold," Valerian snuffled. He buried his nose in a pile of tissues and made a noise like
a spout-ing whale: "How stupid is dat?"
Amber ignored him. She'd brought Ferrin out of her pocket, and now the snake lay in a loose coil,
looking depressed. Filmy white lids covered his eyes, and he didn't move.
"Where is he?" she asked the snake. "Find Adrian, Ferrin. Please."
"He's not Lassie," Valerian said, wiping his eyes. "He doesn't fetch."
"I know. But I hoped he'd have some clue."
"I hope he can survive without Adrian," Valerian added. "He shares Adrian's bagic." He sniffled.
Amber looked at him. Valerian's nose was red, his overly blue eyes luminous and wet. "What happens
if you turn into a dragon when you have a cold?" sheasked curiously. He shook his head. "It's nod
Detective Simon said nothing until he'd ushered Amber into his rental car, climbed in himself, turned the
ignition on, and started the heat running. He firmly gripped the wheel as he studied the dark board walls
of the motel in front of them, and she sat quietly, waiting for him to begin.
"Amber, he said at last. "I don't want you going back to Los Angeles. I want you to go home to
His cheekbones were stained red, and his wide chest rose and fell with his breathing. He expected her
to argue.
"I can't desert Adrian," she said softly.
"I know," he answered. "And you wouldn't be deserting him. I have contacts in Los Angeles, and I'll
look into the Septimus angle. I will do it for you." He looked at her directly. "But I want you out of it. I
want you home safe."
She hugged her arms over her chest. "What makes you think home is safe for me?"
"Because from everything you and Valerian have told me, it was Adrian the demon wanted all along,
not you. You were the means to an end. If the demon has Adrian, he'll leave you alone. I've worked on
demon cases before, and I know demons are coldly logical. Vampires act on lust and emotion, but
demons can bevery calculating."
"Everyday demons are logical," Amber said. "This one's different."
"I know, he's an Old One, as Adrian calls him. But if you're right about his modus so far, then he is
being coldly logical. Ruthlessly so. The demon's got Adrian; he's done with you. That's why I want you
out of it. I want him to stay done with you."
She shook her head. "I can't sit at home wringing my hands when I could be helping search for him."
"Amber." Simon raised his voice just high enough tocut over her words-a firm tone that he likely used
to subdue his detainees. "I know you care for him. I wish you didn't, but I can't change that, so I'll find
him for you. But please, for me, go home and lock your doors. Stay safe-please."
Amber let out a slow breath. "I wish I didn't love him," she said. "But I do."
"And the last person you want comfort from is me. I understand."
She gave him a surprised look. "I don't blame you for my problems. You just happened to be the one
assigned to Susan's case, and you've been very nice to me. Much nicer than you needed to be. You
really cared about how it affected me-I wasn't merely the victim's sister."
"I was just doing my job," he said.
"No, you weren't."
He shot her a sideways glance, then sighed. "No, I wasn't. But how I feel about you is my problem. I'll
deal with it."
She swallowed. "I'm sorry-"
He held up his hand. "Please don't launch into the `we can be friends' speech. I'll find Adrian for you,
and then I'll get out of your life. I'm forty-two, I'm experienced in how to move on."
"I'm still sorry."
He shrugged his broad shoulders. "You can't always pick and choose who you fall in love with. I mean, [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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