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No. Gage shook his head. I think they suspect, however. I was
relieved of duty this morning.
Upon Crimson Waters 75
What s going on? Echo demanded as he pushed under Eyce s
arm. What do they suspect? Why were you fired? Why are they
moving them? Did I hear something about mates?
One question at a time, Echo. Eyce chuckled at his lover.
Maybe we should all sit down and talk about this.
Good idea, Hex agreed. He led the way back to the kitchen and
motioned for everyone to take their seats around the table while he
took up pacing the tiled floor.
First, why are they moving everyone? And why are they sending
some douche bag to k Hex cast a quick look at Echo and cleared
his throat, some guy to hurt Echo? I thought they wanted him back.
Gage sighed and scrubbed a hand over his face. They did. Well, I
guess they still do, but after your little stunt a couple of weeks ago,
they re questioning their ability to get him back.
Good. Myst smirked as he leaned back in his chair and crossed
his arms over his chest.
No, not good. Gage looked at Myst sadly. They ve decided to
cut their losses and eliminate the threat. The longer it takes for them
to break through your defenses and retrieve& Echo, did you call
him? Gage waved a hand dismissively. The longer it takes to get
Echo back, the more risk they run of exposure. They can t allow that
to happen.
Wait. Onyx held up his hand as he sat a little straighter in his
chair. We wiped their memories before we released them. How do
they know what we can do?
They recovered the memories. Gage looked at them all
pityingly. You have no idea what you re up against.
So, are we correct in assuming that this is a government
operation? Eyce leaned forward in his chair, resting his elbows on
the table as he eyed the guard. The more he listened, the more he
didn t like what the man had to say.
Yes and no. It s a top-secret facility. Not even the top ranking
officials know about it.
76 Gabrielle Evans
So, why move the residents? Eyce tilted his head to the side as
his eyebrows drew together in confusion. Even if Echo takes this to
the media and blows the whole thing open, I m guessing there is more
than enough security to keep the reporters out. Then they release a
statement about the ravings of a madman, and everyone blows it off
like another UFO sighting or Area 51.
True, but they re not willing to risk it. They re cleaning out the
facility and moving the residents tonight. All traces of the lab will be
wiped clean by first light tomorrow morning.
What the hell is going on in that place? Hex demanded. This is
a little over-the-top for some kind of research facility.
I don t know all the facts. I don t have a high enough security
clearance. I ve told you everything I know.
Okay, so who is this Collector guy? Eyce growled the name, his
hackles rising at the thought of someone hurting his mate.
He s evil, Echo whispered. He has enormous power. I ve never
met him. I saw him once, though, and I ve heard stories about him
from the other residents. Sometimes they send him out to bring back
people that show signs of supernatural abilities. Sometimes, they send
him out to bring back bodies.
Gage dipped his head. He s right. When someone gets too nosey
about what s going on inside those mountains, The Collector makes
sure they have a nasty little accident. I ve seen him in action. Gage
shook his head wearily. It s scary has hell, man.
If he s so powerful, why doesn t he leave? How can they
possibly hope to control him? Eyce banged his fist against the table
in agitation.
He s not a resident, Echo answered quietly.
Fan-fucking-tastic! Eyce wanted to pound his head against the
wall until at least some part of his entire mess started making sense.
This was bad, really bad, and he didn t even have a clue as how to get
out of it.
Upon Crimson Waters 77
So, why were you fired? Echo asked, fidgeting in his seat beside
Eyce. He looked scared, pale, and shaken, and Eyce wanted to wrap
the man in his arms and shield him from the world. He d do whatever
it took to keep his mate safe.
They didn t really give me a reason. They just said that my
services were no longer required. Gage s eyes softened and a sad
smile played over his thin lips. Though we tried to be discreet, I
think they suspected there was something more than professional in
my relationship with two of the residents.
Your mates, Fiero said with a nod. Do they know what you
are? Or that werewolves even exist?
Werewolves! Echo yelled as he pushed back from the table so
quickly his chair toppled to the floor and sent him rolling head over
feet across the floor. No way! He scrambled to his feet, moving
quickly to stand behind Hex, eyeing Gage as though he d sprouted
horns and a tail. No more!
Echo, Gage said softly, but remained seated. I m not going to
hurt you. I m really no different than any other man in this room. I
just have a bit of an allergic reaction to the full moon.
Eyce snorted. That was certainly one way of putting it. After
several millennia on the earth, he d seen his share of the strange,
unusual, and insane. He d met witches, shape-shifters, elves,
werewolves, vampires, and more. While the news of Gage s affliction
held little surprise to him, he could only imagine what Echo must be
No! Echo growled. I can t deal with this shit right now. First,
demons, gods, and Oracles, and now you re telling me that
werewolves and stuff exist, too? I can t do this. It s too much.
I felt the same way about the residents when I began working at
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