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still open. It was. I took it. The new Greenhalgh and McClintoch sign was in
place a month or two later, all traces of Clive erased. Alex comes in for a
couple of hours every day to help us out.
Lucas has agreed to be our temporary agent in Mexico until I can find a
replacement for Don Hernan. I m in no hurry to do so. Every three or four
months I fly to Merida to see what Lucas has found for us. In between we meet
in Miami about once a month for a long weekend together.
It was Lucas who first found Don Hernan s body at themuseo, after days of
searching for him, not knowing that Don Hernan had journeyed, as I would later
on, to the very spot where Lucas was working. And it was he who put the jade
bead in the dead man s mouth. He hadn t been able to save the old man, he told
me, but at least he felt he was able to give him something for the journey
through the next life.
Page 202
ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html
In many ways my relationship with Lucas is perfect for right now. I m not
interested in marriage again, not yet anyway, and he is a gentle and
considerate friend and lover.
It is an interesting question, though, isn t it, as to whether it is possible
to have a truly trusting and intimate relationship with someone who keeps
something very important from you.
He has not told me who the men who followed him through the forest are, or
what his involvement with the guerrillas might be.
Even more important, I will never ask, nor do I expect he will ever tell me,
what he did with Smoking Frog s codex. Knowing him as well as I do, I can only
assume it will not be used for evil purposes.
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