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the only reason I wasn t tried as an adult. I still spent six
months in juvie. He tossed the cloth aside and rested his
elbows on the bed, leaning close.  When I got out, I vowed
never to go back, but I was still an idiot, doing things I
shouldn t. Marty and his brother, Matthew, they caught me
pawning a stereo another guy had jacked. They beat the shit
out of me.
Growling low in his throat, Jimmy reached over and
grabbed Logan s hand.  I thought you said Marty was your
best friend? He d been in and out since getting shot, but
Jimmy was pretty sure he hadn t imagined that.
Logan chuckled roughly.  He is and always will be.
Getting a beat-down from them was the best thing they
could have done for me. He grinned crookedly.  Knocked
some sense into me, you could say.
Jimmy lowered his lids to half-mast and eyed his human.
 Got a lot of anger in you, Logan? he asked softly.   Cause
your dad left?
Restitution from His Mate
Snorting, Logan scowled at the comforter.  Once upon a
time. Yeah.
Jimmy moved his hand up Logan s arm to his neck.  Can
I ask why he left? He spoke softly, using his thumb to trace
the top line of his scar.
Logan tensed, but he didn t yank away, which was kind
of what Jimmy had been expecting. Instead, he stated,
 Couldn t keep it in his pants. In a cool tone he added,  He
liked his women young with big tits. He liked sex but didn t
want to be a father. He shrugged.  Take your pick. It
doesn t matter, though. I made my own family.
Logan nodded, then rose to his feet, finally pulling away.
 Yep. Marty and Matt. Their mates. The guys I work with,
Pedro and Paco. They stood beside me when my mom
battled with ovarian cancer, he stated.  It s time I get some
broth down you. You can t get better if you don t eat.
Perseus is in roost right now, but he ll want to check you
when he wakes.
Jimmy recognized an evasion when he heard one. As he
watched Logan hustle from the room, he realized he and his
mate had very different upbringings. He hoped they could
find some common ground.
I ll find something, damn it.
He believed that with all his heart. Jimmy knew Fate
wouldn t have paired them if they wouldn t eventually
fit& hell, his own parents had had a rocky start, but once
they d mated, they d never been happier.
Maybe I should share that with him. Would it help?
When Logan returned, Jimmy forced a smile.  You gonna
feed me? Or will you help me sit up?
Logan placed the bowl of lightly steaming broth on the
nightstand, then reached for him. He slid one arm under his
shoulders and the other under his thighs. With surprisingly
Charlie Richards
little effort, Logan slid him up the bed and into a sitting
As Logan propped Jimmy s upper back and head with
pillows, he mumbled,  Good thing I ve spent so many years
working construction. You re not light. He ended his words
with a wink.
Jimmy didn t bother fighting his smile.  Bet you look sexy
in a work belt, jeans, and boots. We gonna play construction
worker some time?
Logan snorted.  Damn, man. Don t talk like that. You re
almost naked and it s a little hard to keep my hands to
myself as it is.
 Don t want you to keep your hands to yourself. Even in
pain, you still do this to me, Jimmy told him as he grabbed
the edge of the blanket and flipped it off his hips, revealing
his semi hard shaft.
Inhaling a harsh breath, Logan muttered something so
low under his breath, even Jimmy s shifter hearing didn t
allow him to make it out. Logan grabbed the blanket and
covered Jimmy back up, then scowled at him.
 You re in no condition for me to do what I want to do to
you, Logan growled out.  Now be a good little wolf and
drink your damn broth.
After saying that, Logan settled on the bed beside Jimmy
and picked the bowl back up. Jimmy smiled as he watched
Logan cradle the bowl in one large palm and draw out a
broth-filled spoon with the other. When he held it to
Jimmy s lips, he opened obediently and took in the liquid
filled utensil.
Jimmy drank each bite down. After the third, he
murmured,  It s good. Thank you, before accepting the [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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