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their skills and their expertise, and sometimes even their hobbies and interests to help us
get things done, and vice versa.
- That s exactly the answer I was looking for. Right, now, I have a little exercise I want
you all to do. Under your chairs you will find a piece of paper with information on it.
The paper will tell you your name, your occupation and your skills, areas of specialisation
and something about your hobbies and interests. Your task is to network with the other
people in the room and find out things about them, not just what they do for a living,
but also a little personal information too; you never know when it might come in handy.
There are two different projects underway at the same time, so not all the contacts you
make will be useful. However, it will not be immediately obvious who you need to main-
Audio Kurs
tain contact with, so keep a list of all the people you meet and any information you think
may come in useful later. Any questions? No? Okay, we have 35 minutes to complete this
exercise, after which we will come back together as a group and look at our results and
then we ll break for lunch.
After listening to the recording, answer the following questions:
n How many contacts are you away from the person that you need to meet?
n What are the subtle differences between British and Americans when it comes
to maintaining contacts?
n Why should you always carry business cards with you?
n Why is it important to build up contact links for mutual benefit?
n Why is it important to know other things about your contacts, other than what
they do for a living?
Lesson 10. Conference
In this recording you will learn some useful tips about the differences in
business etiquette between the British, the Americans, and the Poles. You
will then hear a short dialogue between Nancy Drew from British Telecom
and Charlene Standbridge from Intercom Trading. Listen to words and
phrases that are used in this text together with their Polish translations, then
listen to the recording.
to shake hands podać sobie ręce in hand którym się obecnie
introduction przedstawienie (kogoś,
komuś) personal comfort zone strefa prywatna
subsequently następnie tip rada, wskazówka
worth remembering wart zapamiętania name badge identyfikator
embarassing moments niezręczne sytuacje booklet broszura
formal oficjalny coincidence zbieg okoliczności
small talk krótka pogawędka to commute dojeżdżać
to get down to business przejść do interesów to introduce someone przedstawić kogoś
counterpart partner, odpowiednik to put a face to the poznać kogoś osobiście
Listen to the first recording, you will hear a brief lecture about differences
in etiquette between the British, the Americans and the Poles. Then listen to
the dialogue. Answer the questions that follow.
Differences in etiquette between the Poles, the British and the Americans are small
but worth noting. Whereas the British and the Americans will shake hands during the
first meeting, or introductions, they do not shake hands subsequently. If you are Polish,
this is worth remembering, as it could potentially lead to some embarrassing moments.
Americans tend to be less formal than both the British and the Poles, they will usually
call you by your first name, so do not be surprised. The British favour small talk before
getting down to business, whereas their American counterparts like to get straight to the
business in hand. Personal comfort zones are roughly the same, being around 50cm  120
cm. One last tip, don t be late. Punctuality is particularly important to both the Americans
and the British.
Nancy Drew is attending an Information Technology Conference, she has just fin-
ished registration and has collected her name badge and booklet and thinks she
sees someone else who is also attending the conference.
- Hello there, I see from your booklet you re attending the same conference as me,
my name's Nancy Drew.
- Hi, yeah, I am. I m Charlene Standbridge from Intercom Trading. Good to meet you
Nancy, who is it that you re here with today?
- I m here with British Telecom. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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