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population has followed the KDT into the Jordanian wilderness?" another
reporter asked.
"Well, that's the high end on the estimates. It's probably closer to ten or
twelve percent," the general answered.
"Still, how can there be so many? No previous estimates indicated that the KDT
had anywhere near that many followers among the general population."
"We believe that only about a third to a half are actually core supporters of
the KDT, with the rest consisting primarily of ultra-conservative Jews who are
upset about the decision to open the
Temple to all races and nationalities. The remainder are just misguided
civilians who believe the
KDT's claims that United Nations forces have come here as an invading army."
A God Who Thrives on Fear 45
"Is it true that former Prime Minister Walchshauser and High Priest Chaim
Levin are among those who have left Israel?" asked another reporter.
"I cannot answer any questions regarding specific individuals," General Parks
said, pointing to another reporter.
"Why have you seized the Jewish Temple?!" demanded a member of the Jewish
press, who was obviously seething.
Parks immediately regretted having selected this particular questioner but he
knew better than to let that show on his face. "The order to secure the
Temple," Parks said calmly, not responding to the tone of the questioner,
"came directly from Secretary-General Goodman. With the complete cooperation
of Prime Minister Reiner and in keeping with the promise he made when he was
here nine days ago, the Secretary-General has directed that the Temple be
secured until order has been restored. Following the restoration of order, the
Temple will be reopened to all people regardless of nationality or religion."
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Parks ignored the questioner's bellowed follow-up about the unusual method by
which Golda Reiner had seized control of the government and why no election
had been held, and pointed quickly to another reporter.
"Has 'Operation Roundup,' been approved by the Secretary-General?" the next
reporter asked.
"Operation Roundup is a tactical measure, not a strategic one. All tactical
decisions are my call."
6:15 a.m.  west of Ash-Shawbak, Jordan
As U.N. forces advanced cautiously in armored personnel carriers (APCs) to
within a quarter mile of the Israeli encampment, a swarm of helicopters flew
overhead and began to drop leaflets on the camp. The leaflets identified the
U.N.'s intent and instructed those in the camp to stay calm and surrender any
weapons they might have. The leaflets promised that no one would be hurt as
long as there was no resistance. Food and water would be provided for all,
buses would be
46 Acts of God available for the elderly and handicapped, and an escort
would lead the rest safely back to
The advancing APCs stopped and the soldiers inside disembarked to go the
remaining distance on foot. To avoid panic, they had been ordered to leave
their rifles in the APCs and had been issued pistols which they were told to
keep holstered unless ordered otherwise.
As the soldiers moved closer, three men from the camp walked quickly toward
them, apparently hoping to speak to those in charge. At once the commanding
general, Harlan Maccoby, ordered the troops to halt in order to determine the
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ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html
intent of the three men. The soldiers obeyed and General
Maccoby's jeep drove through the line toward the Israeli delegation.
Through binoculars the general was quickly able to verify his suspicions about
the three men. The markings on their foreheads revealed that they were members
of the KDT. The general held out little hope that talking would accomplish
anything but it was incumbent upon him to try.
"Tell your forces to go back and allow us to continue on our journey," one of
the KDT stated firmly when the general's jeep stopped in front of them.
"I'm afraid I can't do that," the general responded.
"If even one of your men comes beyond where we now stand," said another of the
KDT, "the Lord God will punish the whole of your command."
"We have no intention to harm anyone," General Maccoby countered, "but you
must agree to return to
"Nor do we wish any harm to come to you or your army," one of the KDT
responded, "but you must allow us to continue." With no further discussion the
three KDT turned and headed back for their camp.
"Do not resist!" General Maccoby yelled after them in warning. He waited a
moment for a response but when none came he gave the order for his troops to
A God Who Thrives on Fear 47
Within two minutes the first of the troops reached the point where the
encounter with the KDT had occurred. For a moment the general held his breath,
but as they crossed the imaginary line the KDT
had drawn, nothing happened. Soon they were within a hundred yards of the
camp. In front of them more than a hundred members of the KDT waited, forming
a wall of flesh between the Israelis and the U.N. forces. Behind the KDT the
entire camp waited anxiously, watching the advance. Then as if on cue  though
no word was spoken and no sound made  every member of the KDT fell face down
onto the ground and let out a wail to their god. With no more warning than
that, as far as the eye could see, the ground beneath the soldiers' feet [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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